Indifference and Passion

The love between Dimitri and Clarissa is passionate and often painful. Dimitri enjoys his wife’s unbridled sexuality but is often confused by her indifference to the romantic aspects of their relationship. I enjoyed writing about their dynamic…always unexpected and colorful.
In this scene, Dimitri professes his adoration of her only to be rebuked as overly sentimental:
I felt like she’d ripped up my love letter. Not the first time either. That part of her, cold and cynical, made me hate her. It reminded me of the night she left the song I’d written for her on the table like it was a sullied napkin. Clarissa provoked me; whether it was love or hate, sometimes she made me want to put my fist through a door and on other days I longed to skydive naked with her over the Appalachians.